Minced Beef Wellington

Chef Jimi Penti shares from his recipe collection: Minced Beef Wellington

1kg (2 lbs) minced beef
100g (6 Tbsp) tomato ketchup
4 eggs
3 onions, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
small handful sage, chopped
handful parsley, chopped
25g (2 Tbsp) butter
200g (8 oz) mushrooms, finely chopped
500g (1 package) pack puff pastry

Mix the beef with the ketchup, 3 eggs, seasoning and 100ml water in a table-top mixer for 5 mins – or squeeze and squelch with your hands in a bowl. Mix in the onions, half the garlic and herbs.

Heat oven to 200C/180C (392F/356F) fan/gas 6. Press the meat into a sausage shape about 30cm x 10cm (12 in x 4 in) on a baking tray. Cook for 20 mins then remove and leave to cool.

Heat the butter in a frying pan over a high heat, add the mushrooms and cook for 3 mins. Add remaining garlic and cook for a further 2 mins, pouring off the excess water from the mushrooms.

Roll pastry into a rectangle large enough to wrap up the beef. Beat remaining egg with a little water and brush over pastry.

Spread the mushroom mix into a meatloaf-size strip along the middle of the pastry. Sit the meat on top then cut pastry either side into strips from the meat outwards. Criss-cross these over the meat to enclose and tuck under ends. Brush with more egg, then place on a tray and cook for 40 mins, covering after 30 mins if going too brown.

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